Mis eristab suuremaid ja edukamaid ettevõtteid väikestest?Kindel siht ja strateegia - kuidas turul ellu jääda, areneda ja kasvada ning kuidas vajadusel paindlikult ressursse suunata ja suunda muuta kui turutrendid muutuvad.Strateegia annab sulle suure pildi ehk üldise maakaardi.
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Speaker, coach, mentor
My passion is empowering start-ups and entrepreneurs to discover their strengths and confidence to run their companies. Find their company's true values, the importance of communication, and goals, build up a strong structure with trustful resources and clarify processes, which are supported by committed employees.
I help and support You in build-up or renewing Your company through internal growth. Grow Your business with the B.I.G. System like a house:
VALUES- give to Your company a common field, like a lot for a house.
GOALS- are Your vision and purpose. This is Your house plan.
COMMUNICATION- clear and honest message is the foundation of all operations in the company, as a foundation for Your dream house.
STRUCTURE- fixed duties are like a strong frame at Your house.
RESOURCES- a trustful and riskless collaboration with other companies and a healthy environment. This is Your house´s safe roof.
PROCESSES- clear processes give You efficiency and success. It's like walls, pipes, and other utilities which are in working order.
PEOPLE- You run Your company with committed employees. They are Your company climate and interior, as furnishing in Your house.
RISKS- warranty for future
Who is Elle?
Creator of the internal development system, consultant and an advisor, mother of two growing sons.
As a trainer and mentor, I have come to understand that many entrepreneurs do not have a system or mechanism to see the so-called big picture. Something that would show both the weaknesses and strengths of the business and help companies achieve goals and growth more effectively and quicker.
When someone say to You: Design Your Life! What is Your first thought? Usually it is HOW?
Simple steps:
1. Start dreaming- dream big- write it down.
2. Make decision to get Your dream life.
3. Commit to Your dream.
Starting with new company or going on with old one, You need to describe Your company processes. They must be easy to understand, simple and visualized
Train Yourself to be great executive. During the one year, You will learn all the steps, what You need to make for taking back Your control in Your company.
Articles and publications.
"Elle is my mentor. During the consultation, I get my emotional and professional uplift. She builds up Your mind and gives positivity and shows You the big picture."
" She can keep Your focus , she has wide professional background. She explains difficult problems in very easy words. She gives simple steps to overcome problems."
"I´m admireing her courage, positivity and optimism and ability to see behind the scene and share solutions, what You never thought to be possible."
© 2022 Elle Muuga., All Rights Reserved.